DEGREES(angle_in_radians) 参数: angle_in_radians:你想要转换为角度的弧度值。 示例: text =DEGREES(ATAN(1)) 这将返回45,因为π/4弧度等于45度。 所以,如果你在Excel中有一个数字,并且你想要找出这个数字的反正切值对应的角度,你可以先使用ATAN函数计算反正切值(以弧度为单位),然后再使用DEGREES函数将弧...
If your argument is in degrees, multiply it by PI()/180 or use the RADIANS function to convert it to radians. Example Copy the example data in the following table, and paste it in cell A1 of a new Excel worksheet. For formulas to show results, select them, press F2, and then press...
比如,要求21的反正切值,可用公式:=DEGREES(ATAN(21))或=ATAN(21)*180/PI() 上面两个公式的结果为角度,如果只需要弧度,那么直接写为:=ATAN(21)就可以了。00分享举报您可能感兴趣的内容广告 郑州2023购买二手房上安居客__安居客-全房源网 安居客买房大平台,房源全,更新快,郑州购买二手房信息抢先看!买房省...
If your argument is in the degrees multiply byPI()/180or use the Radian function to convert it to radians. In the cell you want to place the result, type=TAN(30*PI()/180)and press Enter. The result is0.57735. If using the Radian function use the formula=TAN(RADIANS(30)), press e...
You'll want to convert radians to degrees by multiplying it by 180/pi. Excel also has a PI function you can use for this purpose. The answer, in this case, is 63.43 degrees. This means you'll need to adjust one of the lengths until the angle is precisely 70 degrees. ...
excel怎么用公式arctan求角度? 在A列算出后正切后,在B1输入=IF(A1="","",INT(DEGREES(A1))&"°"&INT((DEGREES(A1)-INT(DEGREES(A1)))*60)&"′"&ROUND(((DEGREES(A1)-INT(DEGREES(A1)))*60-INT((DEGREES(A1)-INT(DEGREES(A1)))*60))*60,2)&"″")向下拉B1单元格就可以了!
excel arctan excel arctan 返回反正切值。反正切值为角度,其正切值即等于 number 参数值。返回的角度值将以弧度表示,范围为 -pi/2 到 pi/2。 语法:ATAN (number),Number 角度的正切值。 注解:若要用度表示反正切值,请将结果再乘以 180/PI( ) 或使用 DEGREES 函数。 在 A 列算出后正切后,在 B1 输...
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