申请院系:Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, College of Engineering 项目名称:MS/Meng EE(同时开设MS及MEng项目) 项目介绍:德农的工科优势声名远扬,加之德州整个工科就业形势也还不错,因此吸引很多申请者。该系规模较大,同时开设EE和CE项目;科研实力突出,由于德州IT产业发展态势良好,够不上UT Austin的学...
其次在Electrical and Engineering Department里面有Computer Engineering 这个专业。
Yang Shen, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Center for Bioinformatics and Genomic Systems Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. Strongly motivated candidates with algorithmic thinking and programming skills as well as solid background in engineering, computer ...
At MIT, software engineering is a part of the electrical engineering (Course 6) department, and the basic class is 6.00 Intro to Programming. The software they use is--drumroll--Python! I assume this is because (1) it is free, (2) it is very good for developing basic logic and progr...