Laura Schwab, a senior biology major at Texas A&M who studies aquatic insects, is the star of our latest installment. As I was beginning the storyboarding process for her episode, Laura’s faculty advisor,Dr. David Baumgardner, invited me to film her and a few other students as they trapp...
Texas. Mayor Berry and David Schmitz, director of the Parks and Recreation Department, made a receptive audience. They were willing to be educated in the biology of both the Monarch butterfly and of native Texas milkweed species of which...
inquire, innovate, integrate research our research spans the range of biology from genetics to global change ecology, facilitatingさらに表示する biologydepartmentattexasa&muniversityincollegestation,tx.graduateandundergraduateeducationinbiology,microbiology,andcuttingedgeresearch!