Be aware, that Tampermonkey user scripts are also sometimes called Greasemonkey scripts, which is the name of another script manager service for modern browsers. Installation and UseTampermonkey is one of the most advanced and intricate Chrome extensions you can install on your home PC or laptop....
Many websites display a warning and need user interaction once you click a link that redirects to a different site.This scriptdisables that functionality on many popular domains, including Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. 4: Lift Web Restrictions This is anenormous userscriptthat improves ...
o).text(e.title), $.each(e.list,function(e, t) {if(t.dlink = n(t.dlink), 1 !=t.isdir) {vari = $('<div style="overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap"><div style="width:150px;float:left;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis" title="' + t.server...
This is a Tampermonkey script. It is used to download files from Baidu Cloud Drive without installing Baidu Cloud Client and downloading speed limits. Steps Download Tampermonkey and copy the code inside of the javascript file. Go to any Baidu Cloud link, and you will be able to download the...
支援ZIP下載與不壓縮下載 / Support single zip download and unZip download. 請搭配 Tampermonkey 服用: Please use this script withTampermonkey. 可以從 greasyfork 取得腳本: You can install this script from greasyfork (Fantia downloader (ver3.1.9)). ...
The authors homepage that is used at the options page to link from the scripts name to the given page. Please note that if the@namespacetag starts withhttp://its content will be used for this too. @antifeature This tag allows script developers to disclose whether they monetize their script...
1212 firefox吧 Jack_No1 油猴脚本最近查了一下各个浏览器运行油猴脚本的情况: Firefox:安装Greasemonkey或Scriptlish扩展; Chrome/Opera:直接运行; Safari:安装SIMBL和GreaseKit 分享301 tampermonkey吧 66731135 求助,关于手机火狐使用油猴脚本解除b站地区限制也启用了,但是点击港澳台番剧还是显示视频消失了,用tampermonkey...
Does anyone use Tampermonkey or similar to get around the ridiculous You Tube age restriction? Google know my age and I'm not uploading bank details or anything else. So I've installed Tampermonkey on Firefox. Has anyone got a script for this? Daveski17, Oct 28, 2021 #1 Floyd 57 ...
This script allows REGEXP matching as part of jQuery's selector chains. It includes a plugin which provides a .regexp() method as part of a chain, and also an extension, which provides a :regexp pseudo selector. Usage Like other jQuery filters such as contains(), this REGEXP filter ...
it can provide many features such as easy script installation, automatic update checking, a quick look at the scripts running status in tabs, built-in script editor, and more. At the same time, Tampermonkey is also able to run the scripts that are originally incompatible with the host browser...