2022/4/10 20:06:50 作者:tampermonkeyRegExp Download Organizer插件开发背景 Chrome浏览器默认的下载是下载到系统的下载文件夹中,而且无法自定义到其他文件夹去,久而久之你的下载文件夹肯定是凌乱到不要不要的。除了勤加对下载文件夹进行整理外,你还可以对文件夹中的文件进行自动分类...
This script allows REGEXP matching as part of jQuery's selector chains. It includes a plugin which provides a .regexp() method as part of a chain, and also an extension, which provides a :regexp pseudo selector. Usage Like other jQuery filters such as contains(), this REGEXP filter c...