Ensure food safety with our custom tamperproof labels for to-go items, deliveries, and takeout containers. Our tamper-evident labels have security slits that break upon removal, guaranteeing freshness. Order now for peace of mind! 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. ...
加急单 2025春 Tamper proof security labels 防篡改明显安全标签贴纸标贴封条招商 询价单编号:ZGC5328***680 询价单有效期:至2025***入驻工厂可见 联系人及电话:云先生 ***入驻工厂可见 订单备注:***入驻工厂可见 采购类目:防伪商标 采购类型:周期 货物类型:拿样 收货地址:广东 广州 阿里巴巴已找到海量相关的产...
We specialize in various fields of the security, adhesive and printing with over ten years manufacture experience. Professionally produce tamper evident labels materials, security tapes, security bags and envelopes etc. Send your message to this supplier *Fr...
We specialize in various fields of the security, adhesive and printing with over ten years manufacture experience. Professionally produce tamper evident labels materials, security tapes, security bags and envelopes etc. Send your message to this supplier *...
TAMPER PROOF SECURITY BAGS安全袋专用封缄口防伪胶带免费样品 东莞市安彩防伪科技有限公司9年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 东莞市 ¥6.18 Tamper-proof security tape 纸箱防伪封箱胶带 防揭封口安全贴纸 深圳市赛福特防伪科技有限公司17年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
(The Benifits of using Tamper Evident Security Labels)Function: 1) Protect your brand reputation Easier to identify and protect against cheap and dangerous counterfeits available on the market. 2)Quick & Cost-Effective product security inspection ...
Visual information security system, comprehensive:\na substrate with visual information on it; and\na tamper-resistant label, arranged and concealed by the information, comprising a drawing layer comprising a drawing bottle and having a cut thereon, with the drawing layer glued to the substrate,\n...
Jiangsu Itech Labels Technology Co., Ltd. 5.0 Start Order Request Contact Supplier Click here to contact the supplier through an inquiry. Chat Find Similar Products By Category Supplier HomepageProductsSecurity LabelCustom Security Tamper Proof Hologram Sticker...
Pure PP Plastic Security Seal for Container Shipping Package US$0.028-0.048 / Piece OEM Printing Big Tag Plastic Seal for Shoes Clothes Logistics US$0.036-0.04 / Piece 25cm Indicative Tamper Evident Security Plastic Seal US$0.015-0.05 / Piece ...
If the label is designed to be tamper proof, by comparison, it makes it harder to get into the package (this includessecurity sealsandstickerlabels that wrap over container lids and box openings).Tamper-proof labelsmake the container harder to open, so that would-be thieves theoretically leave...