Mat foundation and preload fill, VA hospital, Tampa: Wheeless, LD Sowers, GF In Performance of earth and earth supported structures, Vol. 2. Proc. Speciality Conference, Purdue Univ. 1972. 3F, 3T. ASCE, New York, 1972, P939–951
Total (91 completed surveys):8.32 7.83 8.49 6.95 7.35 James A. Haley Veterans' Hospital8.20 7.75 8.58 6.71 7.28 Tampa General Hospital8.14 8.04 8.24 7.54 7.52 JAHVA, VA Nursing Home9.00 8.59 9.00 8.08 8.13 Scores for individual PRS models Model DS-10 -Lateral Transfers8.07 7.52 8.41 6.67 ...