探索坦帕的舒適居所:Hyatt Place Tampa Airport/Westshore 位於美國坦帕的Hyatt Place Tampa Airport/Westshore酒店,是一個理想的三星級住宿選擇,無論您是商務出行還是家庭度假,這裡都能為您提供舒適與便利。酒店的入住時間為下午3時,您可以悠閒地抵達並開始您的旅程。而退房時間則設在中午...
美國坦帕 (FL) | 特價預訂Hyatt Place Tampa Airport/Westshore, 查看真實評論,享受價格保證. Agoda筍價特惠,伴您難忘旅程!
美國坦帕 (FL) | 特價預訂Hyatt Place Tampa Airport/Westshore, 查看真實評論,享受價格保證. Agoda筍價特惠,伴您難忘旅程!
在坦帕 (FL),Hyatt Place Tampa Airport/Westshore 的平均房價為 $195,相較於該市的平均酒店房價 $182,雖然略高,但卻為賓客提供了無可比擬的舒適與便利。這家酒店不僅擁有現代化的設施,還提供了寬敞的客房和多樣的服務,讓每位住客都能享受到高品質的住宿體驗。
Tampa International Airport projects multiple days with more than 100,000 passengers, which would break the Airport’s single-day passenger record. Hundreds expected for 2025 GALA celebration honoring women in aviation Tickets are still available for the event which will be held March 7 at Peter O...
美國坦帕 (FL) | 特價預訂Hyatt House Tampa Airport/westshore, 查看真實評論,享受價格保證. Agoda筍價特惠,伴您難忘旅程!
坦帕机场(Tampa International Airport)机场三字码(TPA),坦帕机场四字码(KTPA),坦帕机场位于美国佛罗里达坦帕(United States Tampa)。PFC皇家物流可为您快速准确查询美国机场三字码信息,并提供从中国到美国佛罗里达坦帕机场空运服务.
Name:Tampa International Airport ICAO:KTPA IATA:TPA FAA LID:TPA Details Type:Airport (Part 139 Class I) Use:Public/Civil, International (customs port of entry) Latitude:27°58'32"N (27.975472) Longitude:82°32'00"W (-82.533249) Datum:WGS 1984 ...
Hyatt Place Tampa Airport/Westshore的真实住客评分 真实的住客点评来自 9.0 惊艳了 来自8 个评分 环境和清洁度评分 9.7,满分 10,是坦帕(FL)的高分 环境和清洁度9.7 服务评分 9.7,满分 10,是坦帕(FL)的高分 服务9.7 设施评分 9.3,满分 10,是坦帕(FL)的高分 设施9.3 位置评分 8.7,满分 10,是坦帕(FL)的...
Tampa, FL 33607 U.S.A. Tampa International Airport is located just five miles west of downtown Tampa on the east shore of Tampa Bay. Click for directions From St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Gulf Beaches and the West Take Interstate 275 North to exit 39 and follow the signs to the airport...