Yutyrannus Yes Extraordinary Kibble * These tames ride on the player's shoulder. ** The Dung Beetle is not a Carnivore but prefers Spoiled Meat after it is tamed. *** Number of Tranquilizer Arrows shot by a 100% Crossbow waiting 5 seconds in between shots to apply all the "over time ...
Yutyrannus Yes Extraordinary Kibble * These tames ride on the player's shoulder. ** The Dung Beetle is not a Carnivore but prefers Spoiled Meat after it is tamed. *** Number of Tranquilizer Arrows shot by a 100% Crossbow waiting 5 seconds in between shots to apply all the "over time ...
With most herbivores (and a couple of carnivores, like yutyrannus) you have to aggro them and then get them to chase you into the pen. A taming pen with ramps is great because they run up the ramp and then fall into the pen. The size and height of the taming pen will depend on th...