Know the current (2024) population of Tamil Nadu and also the population according to the 2011 census.
The meaning of TAMIL NADU is state of southeastern India bordering on the Bay of Bengal; capital Chennai area 50,180 square miles (129,966 square kilometers), population 72,147,030.
village in the Anaimalai HillsVillage in the Anaimalai Hills, Western Ghāts, Tamil Nādu. 2 of 2 CoimbatoreCoimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. Although Tamil Nadu is one of the most urbanized states of India, more than half the population in the early 21st century continued to live in rural ...
Census: Population: Tamil Nadu: Pannaipuram data was reported at 9,323.000 Person in Mar 2011. This records an increase from the previous number of 8,347.000 Person for Mar 2001. Census: Population: Tamil Nadu: Pannaipuram data is updated decadal, averag
Prevalence of Hypertension among Rural and Urban Population in Southern Rajasthan Determinants of hypertension among urban adult population in Kancheepuram district of Tamil Nadu`. Int J Community Med Public Health 2017;4:1552-7.Galav A, Bhatanagar R, Meghwal Chandra S, & Jain M. Prevalence of ...
On this day, over two billion people (over a third of the world's population) will celebrate the birth of Christ. Christmas Day celebrates the Nativity of Jesus which according to tradition took place on December 25th 1 BC. December 25th will be a public holiday in most countries around th...
population, transport, communication and trade tn board class 10 civics unit 1 indian constitution unit 2 central government unit 3 state government tn board class 10 economics unit 1 gross domestic product and its growth: an introduction unit 2 globalization and trade tn board class 10 social ...
Odontometric analysis and assessment of sexual dimorphism of the human dentition has been less investigated, especially in primary dentition. Hence, this research was designed to verify the presence of sexual dimorphism through odontometric approach in paediatric population of Tamil Nadu, India.The ...
The tanneries are using a resource, water, which is extremely scarce in the region. The industry is also contaminating the groundwater resources of the local community, which is causing great hardship to the population, as it is depriving them of desperately needed water. It will not be long...
Fund Urban Infrastructure projects, which improve the living standards of the urban population Facilitate private sector participation in infrastructure through joint venture and public-private partnership Improve the financial management of urban local bodies enabling them to access debt finance from markets...