Dailythanthi: Read Tamil news, headlines in Tamil, daily updates, tamil news paper, breaking news in Tamil, google Tamil news, tamil news headlines, tamil cinema news, live tamil news online and check out today news in tamil Samayam. சமீபத
class 11 results has been declared by directorate of government examination of the state today at 9:30 am. reportedly, 96.04% of the total students who have taken the exams have passed. girls have again outscored boys in tn plus one exam with a margin of 3.1%. girls recorded 97.5%...
dinathanthi epaper in tamil today 1 05 2012news tamil dinathanthi
Text-to-speech- i.e. you can have the app read out your typed texts Handwriting recognition- i.e. you can write with your hand in your language - as you do with paper and pen - and the corresponding text will appear in your screen Reverse transliteration(e.g. Tamil to English) Ther...