Tamil Nadu is a land of varied beauty. It is mostly famous for its numerous Hindu temples based on the Dravidian architecture. The temples are of a distinct style which is famous for its towering Gopuram. Popular temple towns include Madurai, Trichy, Tanjore, Kanchipuram, Swamithoppe, Palani,...
Some tourist places in Tamil Nadu are known and visited for their strong flavour of culture and heritage, from within and abroad. The Chettinad region is of prime importance in this respect with Karaikudi as its crowning glory. The cuisine, the weaves, the numerous temples and mansions turned ...
Physical map of Tamil Nadu showing plateaus, planes, hills, mountains, river valleys and river basins.
The objective of this research article is to study the tourist places in kanyakumari district.E. SIVA
A tourist's paradise, Tamil Nadu has a glorious culture, rich history and though it is a land of tradition and religion, it is also in step with the modern developments and achievements. Blue beaches and clear skies lend their own ethereal charm to the state as one explores the Marina bea...
Tamilnadu Tourism A multi-dimensional tourist paradise, the state boasts of year-long attractions for both domestic and foreign visitors. Given its historical wealth and geographical mix, the promotional agency TTDC - Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation - has set up and maintains a wide range...
I have been going there for years now and every time its something different. The history may seem the focus but its the human touch that makes the difference.people matter be it a tourist or a poor begger. They all contribute to ur experience. It may be ...
Tamil Nadu A multi-dimensional tourist paradise, the state boasts of year-long attractions for both domestic and foreign visitors. Given its historical wealth and geographical mix, the promotional agency TTDC - Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation - has set up and maintains a wide range of ...
The major centers of tourist attraction in the state are Chennai, Kanchipuram, Mahabalipuram, Trichy, Pondicherry, Thanjavur Madurai, Rameshwaram and Kanyakumari. The research paper deals with the analysis of tourism Arrivals in Tamil Nadu state and also growth rate Tamilnadu tourism in 2012 the ...
The largest dome on the roof lies over the center of this space. Every tourist stops below it to gape up at the interior of the dome. I decided to go with the flow. It is worth it. The ceiling is beautifully decorated, and there is enough light to admire this by. The complex is ...