Tamil (தமிழ்) is the native language of the Tamil ethnic group, and has official status in Sri Lanka, Singapore, and Tamil Nadu state in India. In 2004, it was the first language to be declared one of India’s six Classical Languages, before evenSanskrit. ...
SymbolTNPETRO ISININE148A01019 StatusListed IndustryPetrochemicals Sectoral IndexNIFTY 500 Safety and Environment The health and safety of our team members is a top priority at Tamilnadu Petroproducts. Our goal is to create a culture that encourages employees to take an active role in their health...
Tamil is the oldest language spoken in Tamil Nadu, India, with inscriptions dating back to the third century BCE found in caves, temples, and archaeological sites. The style and content of these inscriptions have evolved over time, reflecting changes in society, governance, and language usage. ...
The Tamil Nadu State Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution on January 12, urging the central government to implement the Sethusamudram Shipping Canal Project (SSCP) immediately. [Full Story] Sri Lanka thankful to Indian govt for Jaffna Cultural Centre [ The Print ] [ 10 Feb 2023 00:10 ...
Shiva as the Nataraja, The Lord of the Dance, is the symbol par excellence of South Asian art. It is the full and perfect expression of divine totality—the manifestation of pure, primal rhythmic power. Shiva simultaneously dances the universe into existence by awakening inert matter with the ...
(Lanka-e-News -05.Aug.2024, 10.30 pm) I thought to write this to you after I heard that as an independent candidate you have requested the Elections Commission to give you the ‘symbol of heart’ as your election symbol... Read more >> Modi Encourages Indian Fishermen to Confront Sri...
Vijay revealed TVK’s new flag and symbol, two weeks back. The flag features red and maroon colour on the top and bottom, with a yellow center highlighting two elephants facing each other and a Vaagai flower. He also unveiled the party’s national anthem complementing the newly introduced fla...
TAMILNADU EDUCATIONAL RULES Preliminary 1. This may be called "The TamilNadu Educational Manual". 2. It extends to the whole of the State of TamilNadu. 3. It applies to all schools under all Managements, recognized by the Government in the Education Department in a variety of classifications...
These words are reflecting the relationship between the pronunciation and symbol. This is related to animals, birds, trees, water, fires and wind etc., In Telugu PraudaVyaakarta talks about onomatopoeias. These onomatopoeias are found in the day to day life and in the creative writings. Dr....
The standard state of a substance at any specified temperature is its pure form at 1 atm pressure. For example standard state of solid iron at 500 K is pure iron at 500 K and 1 atm. Standard conditions are denoted by adding the superscript 0 to the symbol û+ )RU D UHDFWLRQ...