This comes as a result ofTamil Nadu’s Prohibition of Online Gambling and Regulation of Online Games Ordinance 2022,which came into effect in April 2023. The law was introduced in the wake ofrisinggambling-related suicides in the state and the public outcry resulting from such incidents. Itexpl...
Tamil Nadu is an Indian state in the southern part of the country that has many problems handling its solid waste well. The architecture of the solid waste management system in Tamil Nadu was shown in the Fig. 6. Every day, the state makes approximately 14,600 tons of solid waste, approx...
Tamil Nadu - a state in southeastern India on the Bay of Bengal (south of Andhra Pradesh); formerly Madras Madras Bharat, India, Republic of India - a republic in the Asian subcontinent in southern Asia; second most populous country in the world; achieved independence from the United Kingdom...
Providing support, leadership and direction for all secondary educational institutions under its jurisdiction. Overview of the TN Class 10 Board 2021-22 Here is an overview of the Tamil Nadu SSLC Class 10 Board: Exam Name Tamil Nadu SSLC Exam 2022 Conducted by State Board School Examinations (...
1 CHAPTER-I ProfileofTamilNadu INTRODUCTION TamilnaduStateissituatedattheSouthEasternextremityoftheIndian PeninsulaboundedonthenorthbyKarnatakaandAndhraPradeshontheeastby BayofBengal,ontheSouthbytheIndianOceanandontheWestbyKeralaState. LAND TheStatecanbedividedbroadlyintotwonaturaldivisions(a)theCoastal plainsofSo...
The Tamil Nadu State Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution on January 12, urging the central government to implement the Sethusamudram Shipping Canal Project (SSCP) immediately. [Full Story] Sri Lanka thankful to Indian govt for Jaffna Cultural Centre [ The Print ] [ 10 Feb 2023 00:10 ...
The Tamil Nadu Police, established in 1859, has completed 150 years of dedicated service. It has jurisdiction over an area of 1,30,058 sq. kms with a coastline of 1076 kms and a population of approximately 62 million. The Force is headed by a Director General, assisted by ADGPs and IGP...
Do you want to ensure that you are complying with all the provisions and obligations as laid down in the Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund Act? Or are you planning to be an employee in the State of Tamil Nadu and want to ensure that you are availing all the welfare benefits that you ...
Chennai the also houses the administrative and legislative departments of the government of Tamil Nadu. There are housed in the Secretariat Buildings, part of the Fort St George campus. The Madras High Court, whose jurisdiction extends across Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry, is also located in the city...
divisional engineer / north / madurai jurisdiction : collection and supply of 50 Notice Summary FirstTender Id 2112114183020 Category Miscellaneous tenders Location Tamil Nadu , Madurai Competition Domestic competitive bidding Important Dates Bid Opening Date 31 Dec 2021 Doc Purchase End Date 31 Dec 2021...