This comes as a result ofTamil Nadu’s Prohibition of Online Gambling and Regulation of Online Games Ordinance 2022,which came into effect in April 2023. The law was introduced in the wake ofrisinggambling-related suicides in the state and the public outcry resulting from such incidents. Itexpl...
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Tamil Nadu Transparency in Tenders Rules, 2000 ST(Ele) Special Tahsildar (Elections) PA(Ele) Personal Assistant to Collector (Elections) DRO(Ele) District Revenue Officer (Elections) Page 5 of 125 TENDER DOCUMENT Service Level Agency (SLA) and AMC Agency Selection for the Offices und...
Tamil Nadu - Agriculture, Industry, Services: Agriculture is the mainstay of life for about half the working population of Tamil Nadu. Since very early times, Tamil farmers have skillfully conserved scarce rainwater in small and large irrigation reservoi
and Villupuram. This study is particularly relevant because there is a lack of comprehensive research on the specific challenges and opportunities faced by organic farmers in Tamil Nadu, with limited data on the long-term impact of government initiatives and region-specific management options, especiall...