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WhenThe Hinduinformed local authorities about the theft, the case was immediately referred to theIdol Wing of the Tamil Nadupolice for investigation. Kapoor is facing trial in the coming months in the Tamil Nadu capital of Chennai in a case built by the Idol Wing with the help of American i...
The RYL was not banned in the state of Tamil Nadu but the Tamil Nadu police targeted the organisation. 泰米尔纳德邦并没有禁止激进学生团,但泰米尔纳德邦警方将该组织作为目标。 WikiMatrix The Greater Chennai Police department, a division of the Tamil Nadu Police, is the law enforcement agency...
Adi Dravidarrefers to theDalitscommunity of Tamil Nadu and beyond, which numbers nearly 10 million souls according to theJoshua Project. "We Adidravidars are the original natives or indigenous people of Dravida land," writes one A.S Jeevarathinam in an article on the site. "Our forefathers ...
From places steeped in ancient history to charming fishing communities by the sea, here are some villages in Tamil Nadu that you must add to your travel bucket list. [Full Story] In Palermo, a Catholic Saint Joins the Hindu Pantheon [ The New York Times ] [ 02 Aug 2024 14:01 GMT ...
This research is based on the empirical study on the police work stress, symptoms and coping strategies among the female police service in Tamilnadu. The data was based on a sample size of (N = 274) of female police constables in Tuticorin district and its surrounding areas. A total of ...
Enna Koduma Saravanan Idhu:There are a number of phrases from Tamil movies that are commonly used when one is sad or in distress. “Enna Koduma Saravanan Idhu” probably tops the list. The dialogue is uttered by actor Prabhu in the 2005 horror movieChandramukhiwhen he discovers...
(Lanka-e-News -17.Jan.2025, 10.30 PM) The rice shortage, which began with a scarcity of Nadu rice, has now escalated into a Kekulu rice shortage. While the introduction of imported Indian rice temporarily eased the Nadu shortage, the Kekulu rice shortage Read more >> Steps Toward Comme...
Parthiepan's Kathai Thiraikathai Vasanam Iyakkam and as the female lead in Thirudan Police. In 2015, she was seen in the movie "Kaaka Muttai". She debuted in Hindi movie "Daddy" opposite to Arjun Rampal. She received Tamil Nadu State Film Award for Best Actress for 2014 Movie Kaaka ...
Three Malayali Medical Electronics students from Erode in Tamil Nadu have contributed to flood-relief fund at a fund collection campaign at Kuttyadi in Kozhikode,today. Minsiters T.P.Ramakrishnan,A.K.Saseendran,Parackal Abdulla M.L.A were present on the occasion. Final year Medical Electronics...