Scroll down to access the Tamil Nadu Board Class 6 chapters.Subject-wise 6th Tamil Nadu State Board ChaptersEmbibe has chapter-wise topic-wise 3D videos to explain the concepts. For each chapter, topic-wise videos are arranged serially. You can see the time duration of each video. Thus, ...
Paddy is one of the major crop in Ariyalore District of Tamilnadu. Hence Ariyalore District was selected purposively for this study. A sample size of 120 was fixed for the study considering the limitation of time and other resources. From the list of farmers in each villages, farmers ...
2)Tamil Nadu Assembly Election Result Party Wise 2013 3)Tamil Nadu Lok Sabha Election Result Party Wise, Constituency Wise 2014 4)Tamil Nadu Election Result 2006 With Vote Margin, Runner Up Votes Click on individual constituencies to know to get compiled Past election Results ,swing Margin, Candi...
TAMIL Nadu (India)URANIUM isotopesBACKGROUND radiationRADIOISOTOPESRADIOACTIVITYRADIATION protectionTo understand the depth wise distribution of the primordial radionuclides, especially in high background radiation areas, their radioactivity content in sand samples at three different depths ha...
ADAMSR.E.BENJAMINT.V.VARAGUNASINGHWileyDeveloping EconomiesAdams, J., Benjamin, R.E. and Varagunasingh, T.V., 1981. The pattern of agricultural develop- ment in Tamil Nadu in the 1970s: a districtwide disaggregation. Dev. Econ., 19: 161-168....
Jobless Growth based on a 2-Digit Industry-wise Analysis for Tamil Nadu : Pre and Post Reform Years 1984-2006doi:10.1177/0972266120110105A. BaluReview of Development and Change
SEASON WISE VARIATION OF PADDY PRODUCTION INSALEM DISTRICT OF TAMIL NADUArticle history: Received: 18.5.2016 Revised: 21.5.2016 Accepted: 3.7.2016 Keywords: Paddy, Production, Kar, Samba, Navarai.In the study of paddy production, Salem district is considered asa region of Tamilnadu and the ...
Tamilnadu coastTo understand the depth wise distribution of the primordial radionuclides, especially in high background radiation areas, their radioactivity content in sand samples at three different depths have beedoi:10.1007/s10967-017-5167-4Punniyakotti, J....
The present study was undertaken to characterize the various opportunistic pathogens (fungi and bacteria)which are responsible for high morbidity and mortality in 25 HIV seropositive patients, either hospitalized (5Nos) (or) coming to antiretroviral therapy centre in Government hospital, TamilNadu, ...
[b]A Study on Zone-Wise Commercial Sector Energy Consumption in Madurai andSalem Cities of Tamil Nadu, India[/b]Karuppannan Sakthi