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公布| 2024年印度泰米尔纳德邦(TAMILNADU)国际摄影大赛获奖作品 2024年印度泰米尔纳德邦(TAMILNADU)国际摄影大赛的获奖结果已于日前揭晓。 中国摄影网摄影师于仲安的作品《红韵女》《线状》入围彩色开放组,《倒影》《深处》入围单色开放组。 彩色开放组 ▲ PSA金牌《飞翔》©SANAT KUMAR KARMAKAR(印度) ▲ GPU金牌...
MapsofIndia.com - Map showing the location of Tamil Nadu in India. Find where is Tamil Nadu located.
Physical map of Tamil Nadu showing plateaus, planes, hills, mountains, river valleys and river basins.
Tamil Nadu - a state in southeastern India on the Bay of Bengal (south of Andhra Pradesh); formerly Madras Madras Bharat, India, Republic of India - a republic in the Asian subcontinent in southern Asia; second most populous country in the world; achieved independence from the United Kingdom...
Latest daily news in Tamil including Local Tamil Nadu, Politics, Business, Sport, Entertainment, Indian, World, Aanmegam and more.
了解有关潜水 Tamil Nadu, India的重要信息—最佳时段、主要景观、优质潜店、不容错过的海洋生物、推荐培训&更多。
Tamil Nadu map showing the sampling location of the 12 tribal (squares) and 19 non-tribal (circles) populations.GaneshPrasad ArunKumarDavid F. SoriaHernanzValampuri John KavithaVaratharajan Santhakumari ArunAdhikarla SyamaKumaran Samy Ashokan
泰米尔纳德邦(Tamil Nadu)旧名“马德拉斯邦”。印度德干半岛东南部的邦。南临印度洋,东接孟加拉湾,西与卡纳塔克邦和喀拉拉邦接壤,隔保克海峡和马纳尔湾与斯里兰卡相望。基本信息 地理位置 泰米尔纳德邦 是印度南部的一个邦,南临印度洋,东隔孟加拉湾与斯里兰卡相望,西与卡纳塔克邦、喀拉拉邦接壤,北接安得拉邦。