Tamil Nadu is considering passing legislation that places time and usage limits on online and real money gaming, The Economic Timesreported. The report suggests that as per internal notes from a meeting conducted by Tamil Nadu Online Gaming Authority (TNOGA) on May 27, the regulator decided to ...
Dravidian parties have been in power in Tamil Nadu for the last 57 years and the signs are that together with its allies it will win overwhelmingly in the next election scheduled for2024. Incidentally, the saffron party (BJP) has never won an election in Tamil Nadu on its own, and its v...
TAMIL NADU THE LAND OF VEDASby Dr. R. Nagaswamy (Path Breaking Book) tamilarts.academybooks@gmail.com Tamil Arts (Vol 31) Home This is one of the major academic contribution to the study of Tamil culture. It shows all the great Tamil kings of the Sangam age performed Vedic sacrifices...
Rural Tamil Nadu buys land with EMI schemesByJohn Samuel Raja D
How to apply for Patta Chitta online in Tamil Nadu? Since 2015, both the documents – Patta and Chitta, pertaining to Tamil Nadu land records have been merged into a single document called Patta Chitta Harini BalasubramanianAug 2024 Real estate development in India: Smart cities and...
This article presents an overview of land evaluation and land use planning approaches used by FAO and the contributing role used by GIS. The total extension of the study area is 3397 sq.kms. The topo-sheets of 14 have used for the corresponding to the study area which are 58N/1, N/2...
Land use planning issues in management of common property resources in a backward tribal area Shrinking natural resources and high population growth over last 60 years have been a matter of concern for the Indian planners. The situation is getting e... A Chaturvedi,TN Hajare,NG Patil,... -...
Ideal duration:1 day Nearest Airport:Tuticorin Visit Dhanushkodi Dhanushkodi is the mysterious or ghostly town of Tamil Nadu state which was hit by one of the worst storms that is inevitable yet immensely devastating. To visit the place, you can choose the winter months from October to February...
Evaluation of Laterite Soils for Sustainable Land Use Planning of Dryland Agricultural Research Station, Chettinad of Sivagangai District, Tamil Nadu Detailed soil survey was conducted at Dryland Agricultural Research Station, Chettinad in Sivagangai District of Tamil Nadu. In this study, field wise morp...
Tamil Nadu also referred as “The land of Tamils” is situated in the southernmost part of India. Chennai is the capital and largest city of this state. It is bordered by Karnataka, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh states. It is one of the most literate states of the country. The average litera...