Dravidian parties have been in power in Tamil Nadu for the last 57 years and the signs are that together with its allies it will win overwhelmingly in the next election scheduled for2024. Incidentally, the saffron party (BJP) has never won an election in Tamil Nadu on its own, and its v...
However, for some reason Pāri refused and the angry kings formed an alliance and laid siege to his hill. However, it was of no use. The hill was self-sufficient in all respects and Pāri did not surrender. The siege went on for a long time. Pari’s close friend was a poet called ...
Emergence of new alliance in Tamil Nadu likelyGopalakrishnan, K
The issue of handing over the Presidential residence came to the forefront when the government started fulfilling its election promises. However, this is not a personal issue or an act of revenge against anyone, President Anura Kumara Dissanayaka said in a television programme last night. Committee...
Lakshmi Subramanian