As the Tamil Nadu government was unable to distribute the full quota of free laptops to students studying in the state-run schools in past academic years due to COVID-19 lockdown, the scheme is now set to be back on track from October 2023. In the Tamilnadu budget, it has been decided...
Policy Note 2014€"2015 on Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department of Tamil Nadu Government 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 23 作者: N Subramanian 摘要: The prime objective of this Government is accelerated growth and sustainable development of Adi Dravidar and Tribal population in Tamil ...
The X user alsoaskedthe chatbot to talk about how historians might react to government claims that a large gathering in a public place was “peaceful and uneventful.” To this, DeepSeek began drafting a response that alleged China had “strict censorship and state-controlled narratives,” before...
Policy Note: Government Linked Companies (GLCs) as Investors in Water Sector in China: Implications for Public芒鈧 Private Partnership (PPP) This paper investigates the role of government-linked companies (GLCs) in public芒鈧 private partnerships (PPPs) for urban water supply in China. GLCs ar...
Tamil Nadu has been at the forefront of the smart city trend in India. It is one of the states with the most cities. The following events can be used to show how smart towns in Tamil Nadu have changed over time: a. 2015: The Indian government starts the Smart Cities Mission [8]. ...
Tamil Nadu came to the help of the LTTE. The reason for this is simple: Tamil Nadu is a federal state in India and it has no army. It is true that some Tamil nationalists in Tamil Nadu have been vociferous supporters of LTTE but they had no teeth. It is the central government that...
A note on the adjudication procedure under Tamil Nadu VAT 2006ADVOCATE MANOJ KUMAR
The ambitious maritime project was originally conceived by the British in the year 1860 at a cost of Rs 50 lakh, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister told the Assembly. [Full Story] Sri Lanka's anti-government protests have gone silent - for now [ BBC ] [ 09 Jan 2023 23:01 GMT ] In the...
Candidates must be permanent residents of Tamil Nadu to be eligible for admission to BSc nursing government colleges in Tamil Nadu. Note: Students who have completed their education from Class 8 to Class 12 but are not from Tamil Nadu may apply. Individuals who have finished a three- or thr...
Karunanidhi to success in the 1967 Tamil Nadu election cycle. The DMK remained in control of the Tamil Nadu state government until the 1980s, when the popular screen actor M.G. Ramachandran split off to form his own political party, the ADMK. Like the DMK, the ADMK explicitly presents ...