If within a period of six months from the date of the publication of the notice in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette, a claim is received either in response to the notice or otherwise, then the Board shall be responsible for transferring such a claim to the Authority as appointed under sect...
NadunaduNADU 系统标签: nadutamilgazettegovernmentmultistoriedvellore TAMILNADUGOVERNMENTGAZETTEPUBLISHEDBYAUTHORITYNo.30]CHENNAI,WEDNESDAY,AUGUST5,2009Aadi20,ThiruvalluvarAandu–2040PartVI—Section1NotificationsofinteresttotheGeneralPublicissuedbyHeadsofDepartments,Etc.NOTIFICATIONSBYHEADSOFDEPARTMENTS,ETC.CONTENTSGENER...