Tamil Nadu is considering passing legislation that places time and usage limits on online and real money gaming, The Economic Timesreported. The report suggests that as per internal notes from a meeting conducted by Tamil Nadu Online Gaming Authority (TNOGA) on May 27, the regulator decided to ...
Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board. (2021). Annual Report on Implementation of Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016. https://tnpcb.gov.in/pdf_2021/AnnualRptSolidwaste2021.pdf Premkumar A, Xavier SA. Household solid waste management in Tamil Nadu: issues and challenges. Towards Excellence. 2021;13...
The act has now replaced the erstwhile legislation, The Tamil Nadu Buildings (Lease and Rent Control) Act, 1960, also known as the Rent Control Act. The main aim of the act was to make it possible for the general public to afford a house and took every step to ensure better access to...
The Indian Medical Association (IMA) Tamilnadu is a voluntary organization, representing the entire spectrum of the modern allopathic medicine and its specialties in our State. The organization was started in the year 1940, by a band of dedicated doctors whoever deeply committed in upholding the ...
General (now Field Mrshall) Sarath Fonseka understood this well. In an interview in an Indian television channel when he was asked about Tamil nationalist politicians and the possibility of Tamil Nadu intervening in the war he quipped, “They are jokers”! Also note that when Indiadidintervene...
TN Board (Tamil Nadu State Board): The Tamil Nadu State Board is the main education board in the state that sets the syllabus, curriculum, and textbooks for Classes 1 to 12 and conducts Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12 board exams. Read on to find the lat
The new regulations are coming into effect in Tamil Nadu from May 06.3.2021 due to continues of Corona. The government of Tamil Nadu has said that these restrictions will be in force from 4 am on May 6 to 4 am on May 20. 1. Essentials like pharmacies, milk supply can function as usu...
According to the Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund Rules, the rules regarding the payment of contribution are: As an employer, you shall have to pay to the Board both the employer’s contribution and the employees’ contribution payable as per this section of this Act for every year before the...
83.(A) (I) Not withstanding anything contained in these rules, the Government may by general or special order, direct that no tuition fee shall be collected by the management of aided institutions from students who are domiciled in Tamil Nadu or such other class of students as may be ...
or in simple words it's a software program that translate Tamil text in English. The translation software is in developing phase right now, evolving day-by-day. Software programs works upon principles, and each language have there own principle and rules they are not related to each-other, ...