Tamil Nadu is considering passing legislation that places time and usage limits on online and real money gaming, The Economic Timesreported. The report suggests that as per internal notes from a meeting conducted by Tamil Nadu Online Gaming Authority (TNOGA) on May 27, the regulator decided to ...
Functions of the Tamil Nadu State Board Some of the chief functions of the TN Board are: To enforce the rules and regulations set by the TN Board in affiliated schools Providing directions and support to the institutions Prescribing the syllabus and textbooks for Classes 1 to 12 ...
The sample papers of Class 12 Maths are created by following all the rules and according to the latest syllabus of Tamil Nadu Board. The sample papers of Class 12 Maths cover all the topics that can appear in the final question paper for students of Class 12. ...
In 1972 when the first republican constitution was enacted, you called it autochthonous constitution.But we were left out in the cold. Every single fundamental resolution that was passed, was passed with the majority vote. And incidentally, incidentally it is Hon. Dharmalingam Siddharthan’s father...
Thamil Nadu was urged to rage, a minority section of the noisy diaspora also raged. – I am also told whenever Seeman say some stupid things (not that he ever uttered anything useful or intelligent) his supporters urged Thamil Nadu to rage, or a minority section of the noisy diaspora also...
The system is extendable to any other language just by changing the language rules, intonation, and the database. This research work also emphasises the indigenous design considerations for such applications. Further work on this software may include developing a corpus rather than using API and ...