Tamil Nadu represents the Tamil-speaking area of what was formerly the Madras Presidency of British India. The Tamils are especially proud of their Dravidian language and culture, and they have notably resisted attempts by the central government to make Hindi (an Indo-Aryan language) the sole nat...
Jallikattu of Tamil Nadu Tradition Compared to the Theme of Digging by Seamus HeaneyNagarathinam, D.Language in India
Tamil language, member of the Dravidian language family, spoken primarily in India. It is the official language of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu and the union territory of Puducherry. It is also an official language in Sri Lanka and Singapore and has ad
Tamil Nadu CM announces $1 million prize to unravel Indus Valley civilization secrets [ News9 Live ] [ 06 Jan 2025 23:05 GMT ] Furthermore, Stalin announced that awards will be given to two scholars annually for their contributions to promoting Tamil culture and heritage globally. [Full ...
Karupatti is a traditional sweetener made from palm trees and is commonly used in Tamil Nadu and other coastal regions of south India. It has a low glycemic index of 35, compared to 65 for table sugar (sucrose). Karupatti is rich in iron and it increases hemoglobin. It is beneficial to...
Washingtonil Tiruma am is a performance of tradition, the measure by which Tamil Brahmins tend to evaluate their culture. The American characters revalue everyday things and practices in the eyes of contemporary Tamil readers. The narrative displaces tradition onto the past or onto ideal selves,...
Kolam is a holy theme that is a part of India’s cultural legacy, rich in tradition, science, and mathematical qualities. Because of cultural advancement and the drive to get office work done, the everyday practise of kolam is in danger of disappearing. Even if just a small percentage of...
Thirumana Porutham in Tamil by date of birth (திருமண பொருத்தம்)is a traditional compatibility assessment system in Tamil culture used to determine the suitability of a couple for marriage. It analyzes various factors such as Nakshatras, horoscopes (jathaga...
Language Act was passed in Parliament. I was a rabid racist. Perhaps, as sometimes said in relation to Marxism, a person who is not a bit of a racist by the age of 30 (in the context of the prevailing dominant culture)hasno heartand the one who remains a racist thereafter, hasno ...
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