பழங்களின் இன்றைய விலை | Today Mango Rate in Tamilnadu பழங்களின் இன்றைய விலை – Fruits Price In Chennai வணக்கம் நண்பர்களே..! இன்ற...
Aadi Masam is the 4th month in the Tamil calendar. It marks the beginning of Dakshinayana Punyakalam, which is the night of the Gods. Hence, no auspicious functions or ceremonies are held during this month. However, this month is very auspicious for wors
In anticipation of a good day, start your day with the Tamil Calendar 2025, which predicts today’s, Tomorrow’s, a week, and a month with almost accurate details that can be referenced on the go. As described above, there are some important benefits related to one’s life, such as Gu...
Thiruvalluvar who had not mentioned his religion, land, and the audience of his work. He is portrayed as holy saint of Tamil Nadu today and even for the generations to come. There is an evidential history that the kings of olden days rolled out Tamil Sangam (...
Get Deskera Today Sign Up for Free Trial Key Takeaways The Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund Act has been established to have a Fund through which the welfare of the labor in Tamil Nadu would be promoted, a Board that will ensure that the provisions of this Act and the rules thereunder are...
According to theHindu calendar, the year is divided into two halves:uttarayana(“northward journey”) of the Sun, from about January 14 to July 16, anddakshinayana(“southward journey”) of the Sun, from about July 16 to January 14.Uttarayanais considered to be highlyauspicious, whereasdaks...
* All times are local time for Karaikal. They take into accountrefraction. Dates are based on theGregorian calendar. See full month's Sun Today's Moon in Karaikal Set 0時39分 299°WNW Rise 12時21分 61°ENE Percent Illuminated:53.4% ...
* All times are local time for Erode. They take into accountrefraction. Dates are based on theGregorian calendar. See full month's Sun Today's Moon in Erode Rise 8時56分 78°ENE Set 21時44分 286°WNW Percent Illuminated:13.6%
Wonderful report. Had a nice time going through it. The jathagam is elaborate and somehow compact at the same time. Many of the predictions were true to the letter, while some were found to be more of the symbolic kind. I liked the staff for their approach. I was completely comfortable ...
“Bocha, who gave laws to Muycas, was a white, bearded man, wearing long robes, who regulated the calendar, established festivals, and vanished in time like others (other remarkable teachers who had come across the Pacific according to numerous legends of Incas, Aztecs and Mayans) in...