In July 2021, a 26-year-old woman from Usilampatti in Tamil Nadu was cheated of Rs 2.56 lakh by a scammer, who connected with the woman through Facebook. The victim received a friend request by the name of his favourite actor, Mohammad Azeem, which was sent by the scammer. For a fe...
This song was released on 10/9/2020 and the music was labeled by Sony Music India and this song is reached up to 4.3million viewers on YouTube. Bhoomi was directed and produced by Lakshman&Sujatha Vijaykumar.xiaometryis undertaking a journey aimed at helping people listen to the Bhoomi movi...
The film, which has been in the making for over 1.5 years, also stars 80-year-old Saroja, actor Keerthy Suresh’s grandmother, who is making her debut in this film along with actors Anand Kumar and Sri Pallavi. The film’s trailer shows Charuhasan as the ageing don Sathya, a ruthless...