其实很多抗衰药物都进行过人体临床,但以二甲双胍作为主体的TAME,却是有史以来第一个靶向衰老的人体临床实验,所以对整个抗衰圈乃至全世界来说都意义非凡。 TAME是“二甲双胍靶向衰老”(Targeting Aging with Metformin)的英文首字母缩写,单词本身又有着 “驯服、圈养”的含义。自然 发布于 2023-07-04 18:45・IP ...
Targeting Aging with Metformin (TAME)doi:10.1007/978-3-030-22009-9_400Padki, Milind M.Vetek - the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life (US Branch)Stambler, IliaBar Ilan University
Extensive biological data show that metformin targets the biology of aging, and epidemiologic and some clinical trial data show that it prevents multiple age-related diseases. TAME will randomize 3,000 older persons (65–79 yrs) without diabetes to metformin (1500 mg/day) or placebo for 4 ...
Targeting Aging with Metformin (TAME)doi:10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_400-1Padki, Milind M.Vetek - the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life (US Branch)Stambler, IliaBar Ilan University
Barzilai N, Kritchevsky S, Espeland M, Crandall J. Targeting aging with metformin (tame): A study to target aging in humans. The Gerontologist. 2016;56:199Barzilai N, Kritchevsky S, Espeland M, Crandall J. Targeting aging with metformin (tame): A study to target aging in humans. ...
MetforminRandomized controlled trialEpidemiologyMortalityInflammationRecent advances indicate that biological aging is a potentially modifiable driver of late-life function and chronic disease and have led to the development of geroscience-guided therapeutic trials such as TAME (Targeting Aging with MEtformin)....