4.82Average rating 4.82 stars out of 5 stars from 1461 ratings 1461 ratings 90% 6% 2% 1% 2% Game and Legal Info The Talos Principle 2 is a thought-provoking first-person puzzle experience that greatly expands on the first game's philosophical themes and stunning environments with increasi...
4.69Average rating 4.69 stars out of five stars from 3700 ratings 3700 ratings 80% 13% 3% 1% 2% Game and Legal Info The Talos Principle is a philosophical first-person puzzle game from Croteam, the creators of the Serious Sam series, and written by Tom Jubert (FTL, The Swapper) an...
A lot of elements in The Talos Principle 2 influence the ending you'll see, and they're not all puzzles you need to solve 1 The Talos Principle 2 Pandora Statue Guide - All Pandora Puzzles And Stars Some of the toughest puzzles in The Talos Principle 2 are optional, but completing every...
《The Talos Principle》是一款富有哲理且發人深省的益智遊戲,故事廣受好評 —— 老實說,誰能想到那群讓你在 FPS 遊戲中用榴彈發射器對戰噴射包黑猩猩的人,會做出這款益智遊戲? Play Video 下半年將在 PlayStation 5 上推出的《The Talos Principle 2》是期待已久的熱門益智遊戲續作。它將極大幅度地(如同字面...
¥109.29¥218.58 加入Humble Choice最高可节省¥16.39以上 添加到购物车 添加到心愿单 个平台 操作系统 开发者 Croteam 出版商 Devolver Digital 系统要求 了解更多 链接 Official Website Alcohol Reference Language The Talos Principle 2 通过 用于 Windows 的 Steam 提供。需要申请免费的 Steam 账户。
01:49 塔洛斯的法则 星星 A-7 (The Talos Principle) 上传者:IMT48 00:29 塔洛斯的法则 星星 B-1 (The Talos Principle) 上传者:IMT48 01:28 塔洛斯的法则 星星 B-2 (The Talos Principle) 上传者:IMT48 00:51 塔洛斯的法则 星星 B-3 (The Talos Principle) 上传者:IMT48 ...
About Noematic: Talos Principle Terminal Demake Resources Readme License MIT license Activity Stars 1 star Watchers 1 watching Forks 0 forks Report repository Releases 1 Noematic 1.0 Latest Nov 15, 2023 Languages C 94.1% Yacc 2.9% Makefile 1.6% Lex 1.4% ...
01:49 塔洛斯的法则 星星 A-7 (The Talos Principle) 上传者:IMT48 00:29 塔洛斯的法则 星星 B-1 (The Talos Principle) 上传者:IMT48 01:28 塔洛斯的法则 星星 B-2 (The Talos Principle) 上传者:IMT48 00:51 塔洛斯的法则 星星 B-3 (The Talos Principle) 上传者:IMT48 ...
PS5 LevelThe Talos Principle 2 - Road to Elysium €19.99 Ratings The Talos Principle 2 Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 4.82Average rating 4.82 stars out of 5 stars from 1468 ratings 1468 ratings 90% 6% 2% 1% 2% Game and Legal Info The Talos Principle 2 is a thought-provoking...
4.82Average rating 4.82 stars out of five stars from 1483 ratings 1483 ratings 90% 6% 2% 1% 2% Game and Legal Info The Talos Principle 2 is a thought-provoking first-person puzzle experience that greatly expands on the first game's philosophical themes and stunning environments with incre...