The Talos Principle 2 es un estimulante puzle en primera persona que amplía tanto los temas filosóficos como los increíbles entornos de la primera entrega con una serie de retos de dificultad progresiva. Nacerás en un mundo nuevo en el que la humani
请到PlayStation 官方网站浏览针对 PS5 主机推出的 游戏 The Talos Principle 2 | PlayStation 。查看 The Talos Principle 2 | PlayStation 的各種特色、最新消息、影片、螢幕擷取畫面,並立即從 PlayStation Store 購買遊戲
2 % Informations sur le jeu et mentions légales The Talos Principle est un jeu d'énigmes philosophique à la première personne produit par Croteam, les créateurs de la série Serious Sam, et scénarisé par Tom Jubert (FTL, The Swapper) et Jonas Kyzatzes (Infinite Ocean). Endossez le...
The October 13th launch date for The Talos Principle: Deluxe Edition on PS4 is drawing near and with that we wanted to pull back the curtain a little bit on the award-winning philosophical puzzle game. Making a game is hard, and making a puzzle game might be harder because it ...
The Talos Principle: Deluxe Edition 游戏介绍 The Talos Principle is een filosofisch first-person puzzelspel van Croteam, de bedenkers van de serie Serious Sam, geschreven door Tom Jubert (FTL, The Swapper) en Jonas Kyratzes (Infinite Ocean). Je speelt de rol van een zelfstandig denkende arti...
下半年將在 PlayStation 5 上推出的《The Talos Principle 2》是期待已久的熱門益智遊戲續作。它將極大幅度地(如同字面上)擴充原作中所有使這款遊戲與眾不同的內容。更多燒腦的謎題有待解決,更多超現實環境可以探索,更多秘密等待揭開,更深層的故事讓你沉迷,更龐雜的問題讓你腦洞大開。
is available now on the Xbox One. The game is also available for the PlayStation 4, Windows PC and iOS. View the Xbox One launch trailer below:Here is an overview of the game:The Talos Principle is a philosophical first-person puzzle game from Croteam, the creators of the Serious Sam ...
Players are woven into The Talos Principle on an existential journey as a sentient artificial intelligence placed in a simulation of humanity’s greatest ruins, linked through an arcane cathedral. Guided by the ethereal voice of Elohim, players embark on a journey to discover whether machine and ...
灰游戏(975) 小灰27创建 · 2025-02-20 更新 Steam愿望单(207) FrancisX2创建 · 2025-01-13 更新 我最爱的书影音(7) 游戏设计(13) 想象传说创建 · 2024-10-28 更新 >返回 塔罗斯的法则2 The Talos Principle 2 类别:游戏 / 益智 / 冒险
The Talos Principle on PS4 is a port of a critically acclaimed PC game and its expansion. For the first time on consoles, players can experience the thrills of all the mind bending puzzles and beautiful world, but what does it all mean? For as it is told, Talos Principle is a first ...