This page has printable worksheets and activities for teaching students about drawing and counting tally marks.
Tally worksheets contain exercises in representing, organizing and classifying objects; drawing and counting tally marks, reading tally graphs, and more.
After completing activities, kids can answer the worksheets to practice writing tally marks for various numbers. This additional practice solidifies their understanding of tallying and prepares them for more advanced graphing tasks such as a bar graph or a table. As children engage with tally ...
You might also like: Match the Tally Marks Math Matching Worksheets Writing Numbers (Traditional Style) K-2 Math Activities K-3 Number Activities Today's featured page: ABC Activities Our subscribers' grade-level estimate for this page: Kindergarten - 1st ...
To make keeping count simpler,every 5th mark crosses the previous 4to show avisual for a group of 5. This way, as you continue your on going counting, you can easily count up the total bycounting by 5s. Teaching kids at an early age touse and count tally marksis a great way to wo...