Go toCreate LedgerunderAccounts Info. Create ledgers forSales,GST Receivable, andGST Payable(if they aren't already set). AssignGST Classificationto each ledger (e.g.,Output GST,Input GST,CGST,SGST,IGST, etc.). Ensure that theparty ledger(customer or supplier) has theGSTINand correct place...
By default, the primary group for ledger creation is set as All Items. You can also press Alt+H (Change Parent Group) to alter the group. Name of Ledger: Enter the ledger name. Under: Select the parent group for that ledger from the List of Groups. If you have selected a specific...
Alt+F12(Range): pressAlt+F12to use the Range Filter option to search the specific vouchers from the list of Ledger Vouchers displayed. Ctrl+F12(Value): pressCtrl+F12to filter the vouchers and calculate the balances as per the specified conditions. Configuration Options PressF12(Configure) to ...
Contact dash board is a complete contact book where user can access detail of Sundry Debtors, Sundry Creditors, Bankers, Unsecured loan etc. in tabular form with its Debit, credit, current balance of each ledger. This feature enables you to generate reports which can be filtered on location, ...
. This module will auto shift the specified ledger group to another required Ledger group, if the ledger under this group go with negative balance. Read More Auto Consumption From Godown Prime1.1 With this addon, you will be able to consume all such stock which are not sold directly or purc...
Ledger Vouchers for specific period XML The Ledger Vouchers report returns data for incorrect period (corrected using TDL) Group Summary XML Export details for a specific Group from Tally. Displays ledgers under that Group Group Summary [F12] XML Export from Tally - Group summary along with Open...
Cash -This Ledger is created under the Group Cash-in-hand. You can enter the opening balance as on the date of books beginning from. You can also alter the name and even delete the Ledger. Profit and Loss Account - This Ledger is created under the Group Primary. ...
And all such contra entries are denoted by writing the letter ‘C’ in the L.F. column, on both sides of the cash book. They represent that no posting in respect this is necessary in the ledger. With automation of accounting usingaccounting software, these transactions are auto-posted into...
Hyperledger Fabric v1.4 is a platform for distributed ledger solutions, underpinned by a modular architecture that delivers high degrees of confidentiality, resiliency, flexibility, and scalability. Node.js is an open source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes server-side JavaScr...
The field value entered under Contact Name already exists. Enter a different value to proceed. In the Ledger Contact Details report, when the user enters the same user defined name that is already entered in mobile number list. User needs to enter a different value to proceed. ...