We might just be lexicographers, but you can trust our math. 'Tally' Meaning To tally means to keep a record of the number of something that one has or the number of times that something happens. It can also be used as a noun for a score or point made in a game, or a device ...
Tally marks are defined in the unary numeral system. It is a form of numeral used for counting. The general way of writing tally marks is as a group or set of five lines. The first four lines are drawn vertically and each of the fifth line runs diagonally over the previous four vertica...
The Tally surname comes fromthe Gaelic Ó Taithligh, meaning "descendant of Taithleach," a Gaelic personal name meaning "peaceable." How common is the name Talley? Talley is also the234,402ndmost widely held first name in the world. It is borne by 1,152 people. It is most widespread...
Orders of magnitude error makes me suspect a math mistake though. Total Initial energy = Total Final energy + Total F6 + Total scattered (that does not hit the detector). Multiplying each energy bin by the midpoint of it's energy and summing the total should produce simple values that add...
I collect a CSV string of all the coil IDs in my Drag and Drop event, and pass them to a stored procedure. Ok, splitting the CSV into separate IDs was relatively easy (meaning that part was only three times harder in Oracle -- turns out you can't view variable...
Kelly lives in a two-bedroom apartment with set charges, meaning the monthly price stays the same whether or not she goes over or under the actual charge. She pays $45 every month. Parking Near FSU Parking can come in the form of a parking pass, allowing you to park anywhere in the ...
Clausewitz died in 1831. That's 114 years BEFORE histories first atomic bomb went off. Today's (Atomic Age) meaning of "Limited War" pertains directly to the atomic age. Meaning; declared total wars can no longer be fought without risking MAD (Mutally Assured Destruction). ...