the QRS complex morphology is not normal, with prominent (although not very wide) Q waves in leads I, aVL, and V4-V6 (^), suggesting a lateral wall MI. There is also a tall R wave in lead V1 (←). The possible causes for this finding...
ZEMA,M J ANDKLIGFIELD,P: Electrocardiographic tall R waves in the right precordial leads: vectorcar- diographic and electrocardiographic distinction of posterior myocardial infarction from prominent an- terior forces in normal subjects. J Electrocardiol 17: 129, 1984...
Case 70 Advanced hyperkalemia-induced ECG abnormalities including tall and peaked T waves and RBBB with diffuse intraventricular block along with flat P waves and first degree A-V blockdoi:10.1159/000429056E.K. Chung