Does bee balm like sun or shade?Bee balm tolerates partial sun, but you'll get fewer flowers. Space monarda plants 18 to 24 inches apart in organically rich soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.7 that drains easily.Does bee balm come back every year?
Tall fescue (Tf) is also a widely used cold-season turf grass for residential and commercial landscapes20, and with superior shade tolerance and a deep green winter colour, this grass has a large advantage over warm-season turf grasses, such as Bermuda grass and zoysia grass. Russian wild ...
Partial shade can also be achieved by locating a plant beneath an arbor or lathe-like structure. Shadier sides of a building are normally the northern or northeastern sides. These sides also tend to be a little cooler. It is not uncommon for plants that can tolerate full sun or some sun ...
Quercus alba; adaptations; environmental stress; Anthropocene; woody perennial; climate-relevant traits; research resources 1. Introduction Oaks (Quercus spp.), as long-lived deciduous trees, are central to the biology of our planet, both as individual species and as members of complex ecosystems. ...