seed yieldsource materialSix promising breeding samples of tall fescue created as a result of biotypic selection from populations inhabiting floodplains of small rivers, ravine–gully lands, and cretaceous outcrops in the southern part of the Central Russian Upland were compared with recognized western...
Determining Pesticide Dislodgeable Foliar Residues and Their Persistence Following Application to Tall Fescue Lawn Turf. (Under the direction of Dr. Richard J. Cooper). Dislodgeable foliar residues (DFR) can be a primary route for human exposure following pesticide application to turfgrass areas. ...
varietiesmadeanacceptablelawnwhereKentuckybluegrassandotherfine leafedturfgrassesgrewpoorly.Theystillareindemandtodayduetotheir lowseedcost.Tallfescueisbetteradaptedthanothercoolseasongrasses toheatanddrought,diseases,insects,poordrainage,inshade. Unfortunately,theleafwidthofthesepasture-typetallfescuesistoo ...
Evaluation of Headway G for control of brown patch of lawn height tall fescue in Kansas, 2011Berkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksC ThompsonM Kennelly
Evaluation of granular fungicides for control of brown patch of lawn height tall fescue in Kansas, 2012By Cole Thompson and M. Kennelly, Published on 08/14/13Cole ThompsonM. Kennelly
The invention relates to a method for fast identifying the meadow type high fescue heat-proof quality in the field of cool quaternary type meadow resistance identifying biology technology. It puts the best seed of the meadow type high fescue species in the basin with the sand, clay and ...
Dissipation of Foliar Bifenthrin Residues after Application to a Tall Fescue Lawn and Implications for Human Exposuredoi:10.2134/itsrj2016.05.0426Cooper R .J.Peacock C. H.Shea D.Miller G. H.Gannon T. W.John C. V.itsrj
Dissipation of Foliar Carfentrazone Residues after Application to a Tall Fescue Lawn and Implications for Human Exposuredoi:10.2134/itsrj2016.05.0441R. J. CooperCrop and Soil Sciences Dep.North Carolina State Univ.RaleighNC27695‐7620D. Shea