Tall fescue also has relatively good foot traffic tolerance. The caveat here is that once wear or damage occurs, you’ll need to overseed to fill in the damaged spots. Tall fescue doesn’t contain stolons or rhizomes that self-repair like warm-season grasses, Kentucky bluegrass, or bentgrass...
Sorghum sudangrass hybrid, cv. 'Pennington's summergrazer' (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) (SS hybrid), was seeded into tall fescue sod after the flush of spring growth, and rye (Secale cereale L.) seeded in early October after the end of the summer growing season...
Genus name comes from the Latin word meaning a grass stalk or straw. Specific epithet means resembling a reed. Tall fescue spreads through tillering and seed transmission not by stolons or rhizomes, which are common in many grass species. However, tall fescue may have numerous sterile shoots tha...
With RTF Sod you instantly get a healthy, mature lawn, grown by the top turfgrass producers in the world. Not all Grass is the Same RTF® is the only Tall Fescue with True Rhizomes. Rhizomes help the RTF quickly fill in damaged and bare spots in your lawn with new shoots of grass. ...
Populations of soil parasitic nematodes were often lower in peanut following tall fescue than when following agronomic crops. These experiments indicate that sod-based systems may be an effective alternative to reduced tillage systems, especially for cotton. However, yield benefits were not observed for...
Tall fescue [Schedonorus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort.] is a common grass species in the eastern half of the USA, but legumes grown with it could provide benefits. Obstacles to legume establishment in fescue pastures include disease, insect damage, and grass competition. Experiments were perfor...
Tall fescue (Festuca arundinaceaSchreb.), a perennial cool-season turfgrass, is one of the most important and intensively studied grass species globally [49]. Heat stress induced ROS accumulation and increased activities of antioxidant enzymes in various tall fescue accessions [4,50]. Jiang and Hua...
Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), a cool-season grass, thrives in temperate zones as a primarily used for- age or turfgrass. Its most efficient growth temperatures for above-ground parts lie within a range of 15–24 °C. Temperatures exceeding 30 °C were observed to provoke ...
Measures of leaf-level water-use efficiency in drought stressed endophyte infected and non-infected tall fescue grasses Neotyphodium coenophialum [Morgan-Jones and Gams], grows in the above-ground parts of tall fescue [Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh.]. It is an asexua... Debbie Sw...
A tall fescue variety known as breeder's code Bar Fa 08PB and seed used to produce the grass are provided. Methods of using the grass plant and the seed are also provided. This grass is suitable for use in turf (lawns, pastures, golf courses, sod, and other areas where excellent turf...