A classic example of this relationship is between tall fescue grass and a fungus named Epichloé coenophiala . That fungus is completely internal and grows intercellularly (between the cells) in the above-ground portion of the grass. The grass supplies all the nutritional needs of the fungus....
关于这种不良反应的报告导致对叶和茎组织的显微镜研究,揭示了嗜热Epichloe coenophala真菌的存在。对受感染牧场的调查发现,受感染植物的百分比与动物症状的严重程度呈正相关。人们发现草中的真菌能产生各种生物碱(有毒的含氮有机分子)。一种类型的生物碱(麦角生物碱)有助于牲畜的症状和减少放牧,而另一种类型(洛林生...
is a high yielding cool season grass currently grown on approximately 14 million hectares in the United States. It is a highly adaptable grass with excellent major compositional characteristics during much of the year: however, performance of cattle grazing tall fescue has been quite variable. ...
Tall Fescue–Neotyphodium coenophialum Association Tall fescue (F. arundinacea Schreb. = Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh.) is one of the best-known examples of a grass with an endophyte that causes toxicity. The grass was brought to the United States from Europe in the late 1800s....
Beef cattle consume more tall fescue [ (Schreb.) Darbysh.] than any other perennial cool-season grass in North America. Tall fescue forms a mutualistic relationship with the fungus (Morgan-Jones and W. Cams) C.W. Bacon & Schardl, comb. n... MR Buettner,VL Lechtenberg,KS Hendrix,......
Since the fungus obtains its energy from the tall fescue plants, a greenhouse study was designed to determine the effect of fungal infection on plant uptake of those elements associated with grass tetany: Ca, Mg, and K. infection did not affect the mineral content, or, therefore, the grass ...
typhina. In fescue grasses the endophyte failed to produce stromata, but on bent grass the fungus seasonally produced stromata, typical of the genus. Cattle grazing the fescue grasses showed signs of the fescue toxicity syndrome, the E. typhina was found in frequencies of 100%; in grasses ...
The endophytic fungus,Neotyphodium coenophialum, can enhance drought tolerance of its host grass, tall fescue. To investigate endophyte effects on plant responses to acute water deficit stress, we did comprehensive profiling of plant metabolite levels in both shoot and root tissues of genetically ide...
1.The growth rate of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.土施条件下,多效唑用量与高羊茅生长速率存在显著的二次函数关系,其矮化效应随着多效唑用量的增大而增大,剂量超过0。 2.In search for the genes involved in low-temperature, high-salt and drought stress response in turf grass tall fescue (...
A tall fescue variety known as BE9301A which is inoculated with endophyte E34 is provided. Also provided is the endophyte E34. Methods of using the grass plant, seed, and endophyte