Find out if TalkTalk's broadband is right for you and your needs. See what customers think about its value for money, internet speed, customer service and more.
You canrun a speed testand compare them with the results of previous tests. If you notice a significant difference in speed, then it’s likely that your ISP is throttling and blocking streaming. Let us know what solution worked for you if you encountered a case where TalkTalk was blocking ... See if your ADSL stats are any good | UK broadband availability checker | Speed test for PC, tablets and mobiles The author of the above post is a thinkbroadband staff member. It may not constitute an official statement on behalf of thinkbroadband. Michael_Chare(fount...
CityFibre today announces that the Joint Venture with Sky and TalkTalk to build a city-wide, pure fibre-to-the-premises network in the City of York has successfully completed the first phase of its construction.
As always, if you're testing your broadband speed, your mileage will vary enormously and will depend on the number of devices connected, your actual broadband speed, the layout of the building you're in and many other factors as well. I managed to get just under 4...
The roll out will give Sky, TalkTalk and CityFibre the opportunity to fully test a new cost effective approach to building a viable pure fibre network, independent from BT Openreach’s infrastructure. The parties also intend to bring ultra-fast broadband to two further cities across the UK and...