“In a world increasingly dominated by screens and digital distractions, genuine human connection has become increasingly scarce. Teenagers, who are already navigating the complexities of developing their identities and forming healthy relationships, find it easier than ever to turn away and numb themselv...
Talking to teens about relationshipsROBERT WALLACE
If I Talk to My Kids About Sex, Won't That Just Make Them Want to Do It? It's important for children to understand sexual feelings and relationships before they become sexually active. Studies show that teens who have discussed sex with their parents are more likely to wait longer to beg...
Oftentimes, parents are interested in talking to their children and teens about sex, but do not know how to approach the conversation. Parents and their children may feel uncomfortable or awkward addressing this sensitive topic. Sex and intimacy play a role in the lives of all people; everyone ...
Boundaries need to be kept. Don't weird your kids out! But talking is necessary. Open communication between parent and teen is key. An article from Healthy Children, called How to Talk About Sex with Your Teen, says that “while teens need privacy, they also need information and ...
Parent-teen researcher Andy Earle talks with various experts about the art and science of parenting teenagers. Find more at www.talkingtoteens.com关注 单集 12月10日 Paul C. Holinger, author of Affects, Cognition, and Language as Foundations of Human Development, delves into the role of ...
Research supports that open, honest family communication and sharing values about sexuality greatly helps children to make responsible sexual decisions. In early childhood, open dialogue teaches young children how to say "no" to inappropriate adult sexual advances. Later, open talk helps teens cope wi...
Sexual curiosity is a normal part of adolescent development, and sex is a part of healthy adult relationships. As parents, it’s our job to be resources for our children as they grow into sexual beings. We hear from teens that they use pornography to learn about sex: what it is, how ...
Children are more likely to overcome this impulse when they feel secure. When children have secure attachment relationships with their caregivers, they know they can count on their caregivers for emotional and physical support. And these children are more likely to sympathize and offer help to peopl...
A new study shows that using screens as a reward may backfire for tweens and teens. Education To Revive Education, Teach the Unknown Rebecca Rolland Ed.D. on March 3, 2024 In a post-pandemic world, we need deep shifts in education—starting with how we talk with kids. Child Develo...