巧口萌宠是由巧口教育科技(Qooco)打造的一款互动式幼儿英语学习产品,为处于2-6岁阶段的幼儿量身定制,该产品通过多样化的交互方式、3D卡通场景和符合幼儿语言能力发育特点的课程,提前培养幼儿英语学习兴趣和习惯,掌握基础英语知识,感兴趣的朋友欢迎下载体验。 巧口萌宠app介绍: 由巧口英语新推出的3D幼儿英语学习互动游戏...
* Talking Pets also includes a sonic board with 17 kinds of cat calls, which instantly sends out a common cat call. * through the sampling of cats and dogs, even Talking Pets, the hottest and most perverse cat, can move it. Download and start using the most worrying cat language immedia...
* Talking Pets also includes a sonic board with 17 kinds of cat calls, which instantly sends out a common cat call. * through the sampling of cats and dogs, even Talking Pets, the hottest and most perverse cat, can move it. Download and start using the most worrying cat language immedia...
Talking Pets is a 3D interactive English learning game for kids aged 3-6. It combines the latest pedagogy in language learning and game design, making preschool language learning fun and effective.Talk Pets features vivid 3D animation to bring kids into fun, real-life scenarios where they can ...
bbclearningenglish.com 2024年8月2日 Georgie 和 Neil 用简单的英语进行了一场关于宠物的真实对话。学习如何谈论你现在拥有或未来会养的动物。 Georgie and Neil have a real conversation in easy English about pets. Learn to talk about the animals you own or will own in the future. 展开更多...
My pets name is Felicia. She is Collie (rough and smooth). She is brown and black with a little bit of white on her neck. Collies origin of breed is Scotland, but you can find them in North America also. The first Collie breed was called the Scottish Collie. The Collie is sensitive...
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Talking to Strangers by:EveryOtherDay 2279 No Talking-Andrew Clements by:猫你个熊 136 Alabama Talking 2-Jabo by:嘻哈有态度 3082 The Talking T Rex by:草原上的小木屋 6172 Talking to Strangers Malcolm by:一萌Yimeng 1.3万 新语青谈 New Talking ...
My virtual cat, Pregnant Talking Cat Emma, needs your help to bring little talking kitties into the world of virtual talking pets. Play my talking cat game & join the virtual pregnant cat Emma on her pregnancy journey. Help this my talking cat organize a baby shower, treat your talking kit...