The Grammar section will help sort this out for you, but the more you can work out patterns and structures yourself, the more likely these are to stick in your memory. It is also very important for you to say everything out loud, not only in the spoken exercises, but in the written ...
I talk about giving our stuttering way more “head space” than we should. And I also talk about how we are affected by constantly seeing ourselves on screen in a little box when we are
As introverts, we often reflect on our experiences and observe details in our surroundings. We’re constantly thinking andoverthinking, sifting through the thoughts in our heads. Sometimes, while talking, we might get distracted by the sound of someone’s voice, their facial expressions, or the ...
Although Zeiler (Citation2010, 338) briefly mentions ‘masochistic experiences’ in this context, ‘flow’ and ‘runner’s high’ are the instances that most easily lend themselves to being considered ‘eu-apperances’ of the body in endurance running. However, as noted above, ultrarunning is a...
Start introducing them to words with visual cues: saying “toy” while handing them one or pointing to yourself and saying, “ma-ma.” Elaborate, Speak Slowly, & Enunciate Words Some words or syllables are harder to say than others, especially when different consonants are blended in a syllab...
people are already freaked out. i mean, if you just don’t want to say anything, great. but if you are creative and you’re a writer and you’re a public person and you have opinions, you have to be true to yourself, and however other people react to it should have nothing to ...
“It’s the closest thing to the thrill of listening to music,” he says. “In a great fight, you never know who’s gonna win; the two fighters are constantly shifting power dynamics. And when someone does get knocked out”—he leans back, eyes agleam, picturing the bloody scene—“...
work: that your intentions for your life and your goals are achievable and the trick, I suppose if you want to call it that, is to be flexible along the way, to readjust yourself continually, to keep your vision intact but to know that the journey is not a straight line from A to ...
Marjorie said, “Do you like to eat a lot, doctor?”“I’m afraid I often skip meals,” said the doctor.“Watch out,” said Marjorie, cheekily. “In your job, you’ll soon be a candidate for nontuberculous mycobacteria yourself.” The doctor forced a smile. At that time, we could ...
Don’t tell yourself that you can’t. Don’t believe the lie that it’s in your DNA. Don’t tell me, “I can’t change.” Before the Holy Ghost was given, Jesus said to those He healed… “Go thy way and sin no more.” Not sinning is a choice. Chose to drain your swamp....