Think about these questions: What's your hometown famous for?第二部分:加入背景和细节。想想这些问题:你的故乡什么出名?Can you think of some words you could use to describe your hometown?How long have you lived there?你能想一些可以用来描绘你的故乡的单词吗?你住在那多久了?Add these ideas to...
10.Talking about Your Hometown 武太白英语 2024-06-25 07:03 上海 请在微信客户端打开人划线
所属专辑:ETJ-English地道英式发音教学 音频列表 1 Tongue Twisters Improve Your English 600 2022-10 2 Talking About Your Hometown 735 2022-10 3 Winter Phrasal Verbs & Vocabulary 721 2022-10 4 The SCHWA ə in Weak Syllables British 621 ...
Talking About Your Hometown 墨茗管窥记 2025年01月05日 07:04 湖南 请在微信客户端打开
24 2023-07 2 4-Talking about Your Hometown in English 52 2023-07 3 5-Talking about Your Family in English 34 2023-07 4 6-Making Complaints 35 2023-07 5 7-Making a New Friend - Verb Collocations 35 2023-07 6 8-Are You a Night Owl or an Early Bird_ - A New Roommate ...
I really love my hometown it's a great place to live I've grown up here since I was a baby what I like most about the city is the rainbow of colors as one lives down the streets of Copenhagen I enjoy the lively streets full of people andso many shops ...
It’s small enough that you can get to know your neighbors. You have a sense of community. Pairs is great, but the cost of living is really high. That can be quite stressful because you’re always thinking about money and how to make ends meet(量入为出;维持生计). Shanghai’s an ...
Send Turndown Service Pre Intermediate Binge watching Upper Intermediate Mukbang and Binge Eating Upper Intermediate Lifestyle of foreigners Upper Intermediate Fad Diet Upper Intermediate Where are you from? Talking About Your HometownNewbiePREMIUM
簡單英語 (1) 用英語談談你的家鄉 — Easy English(1) _Talking about Your Hometown in English 53 -- 6:52 App Talking About Your Family in English Spoken English Lesson 7.5万 23 5:30 App 【英语启蒙儿歌】家庭成员之歌 Family Members Song 1628 -- 7:08 App 雅思口语 - Hobbies and Interes...
In this lesson, you can learn how to describe your hometown in English. Talking about your hometown can be useful in conversation and exams like the IELTS!