Twins Danny and Michael Philippou springboard from their YouTube channel into features with 'Talk to Me,' about teens messing with the spirit world.
Talk to Me is another unique take on the horror drama by A24 that expands on a simple premise. Talk to Me is the directorial debut of Danny and Michael Philippou and follows a group of Australian teenagers who use a supernatural porcelain hand to commune and be possessed by spirits. At ...
Talk to Me.(Movie review)Koehler, Robert
Talk to Me.(Movie review)(Brief article)Erickson, Steve
3 great PG-13 horror movies to check out if you like the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie 3 underrated horror sequels that deserve to be watched again 5 best horror movies of 2023 so far Joe Bird in Talk to Me A24 / A24 Thanks to its ability to consistently perform at the box office...
In the end, Talk to Me is a terrifically scary horror movie, thanks to powerful performances, creepy creature designs, a splash of blood and gore, and practical effects that'll blow your mind and chill your spine. Like its sister in Sundance 2023's Midnight slate, Birth/Rebirth, Talk to...
Talk to Me:猜猜谁会被带走 这篇影评可能有剧透 本文涉及剧透,慎入。2022年可以算是恐怖片的大年了,出现了很多可圈可点的作品,比如《X》、《Pearl》、《Smile》和《咒》。与去年相比,今年院线里的恐怖片显得有些乏善可陈。就在我对今年的恐怖片新作几乎要丧失希望的时候,《Talk to Me》给了我一个惊喜。
This was the 1984 porn movie classic titled Talk Dirty to Me III. The fisherman, John Leslie, reprises his role as Jack. Jack is never shy about saying anything and everything that comes to mind with no regard for how appropriate the langauge. In this, the third iteration of the "...
Dumbest subplot has Peter North as a sympathetic listener who claims to have a scientific test to determine (questionnaire style) if one is gay, and Gere's taking it helps her keep her job. That's an extremely antiquated concept, and its plot significance uncercuts much of the movie's mes...
SEE ALSO:'Talk to Me' review: YouTubers find fresh horror with creepy seance game The feature debut from Australian YouTubers RackaRacka (aka Danny Philippou and Michael Philippou) and a co-production with A24,Talk to Meisn't the first film banned in Kuwait for LGBTQ references, characters...