Are You Surprised We’ve Never Had a Child-Free Vacation? January 25, 2022 Travel & Auto In 12 years of marriage, we’ve never had a real vacation without our son. The furthest we’ve gone without AJ was an overnight trip to Athens, Georgia which in my mind doesn’t count. Before...
Hence, free dating advice — don’t expect too much from someone on dating sites and apps. Soulmates Are Less Important Not so long ago, there was a surge of godawful teen romcoms. Yeah, the late ‘90s and early ‘00s were full of them. They mostly took place around college campuses...
But first, let me extend my warm thanks to Professor CedarBough Saeji (a.k.a.@TheKpopProf) for her invitation to talk on this topic to her class last week. Next, to her students also for their many interesting questions and observations, given to me both in person and as they live-...
Why?C:My favorite movie is Troy. I was deeply impressed and appealed by its plots, music as well as scripts. As we all know that the whole story originates from a historic story. In this movie, what impressed me the most is not Helen...
- Power to the People(119) - Useful idiots(300) Our Best Where we come from: -Jewish history primer -I know you're a racist aparthied state, but what am I? -The Munich Massacre,and the movie. -Blogburston the destruction of Temple Mount artifacts ...
Welcome to Web Hosting Talk. WHT is the largest, most influential web and cloud hosting community on the Internet. It is your main source for discussions and breaking news on all aspects of web hosting including managed hosting, dedicated servers and VPS
Also remember to add only SSB categories. -- Son of Suns What about cameo characters? (Wolf.O.Donnel and Ridley both appear in the opening movie, and dont forget Tingle). What about the Pokemon that come out of Poke-balls? What about Trophies? - User: Ultimatetoad I need an answer...
When it comes to talking to women, start by sharing your personal favorite and then ask her about hers. “Lately I have been addicted to Money Heist – do you have a favorite Netflix series?” A woman’s favorite movie or series says a lot about her. It can hint at whether or not...
(that has been out for less then 2 months). It isn't unreasonable in the slightest to EXPECT there to not be spoilers at the top of a page about a character seen less then an hour into a hundred hour game (and in the previous game in the series). I have been very active on a...
On Tuesday, January 14, 2025, I walked into a composition classroom to start what is my 67th full semester of college teaching (there are more than 80 if I count summer terms). As part of my first-day introductions, I told them how excited I was to start the semester with them; aft...