Given the uncertainties at Oracle Health, Epic is a safe bet when you’re about to open your wallet to the tune of tens or hundreds of millions of dollars. Small to mid-sized practices might continue to select niche EHR vendors for a particular specialty, especially if they have a low ne...
the iliad and the odyssey as true history and as the works of the poet,homer. these masterpieces gave the greeks an ideal past with a cast of heroes. the epics were used as texts for the education of greek males. in this epic poems, homer gave to 本垒打非常没有记录历史,他创造了它。
Are employees faking COVID to get more time off? May 7, 2021 Uh Oh… it’s Civics Time! Do you know more than the average American about how our government operates? May 5, 2021 Vaccine Passports Are they a good idea or should we hide in our bunkers?
Clinical people are blunt compared to their reserved and polished IT counterparts. If an application sucks, they’ll tell the CIO directly. They don’t mind ripping the "helpless” desk in front of the people who manage it or to complain that all the IT’ers are fast asleep in their beds...
Epic Talk, the pinnacle of professional-grade microphones with excellent resolution, four directional pattern options & three condensers for a great experience.
Even worse to me than Trump and his circle of evil was learning that so many voters are unspeakably rotten. I don’t go anywhere without wondering who they are. I’m sure they think they’re really good people, and may even say, “Trump’s an awful person, but I like his policies....
Obviously, we are still in the transitioning page from going one from game in a series to two. There will be mistakes no matter what and wiki's are for information about the game. Whether people want them or not, there will be spoilers. Spoilers are to be expected, so don't get your...
Previous Experience:Intern at Franklin Fire Department; volunteer at Town of Raymond Fire Department; paid on call at Big Bend/Vernon Fire Department; paid on premise at Hales Corners Fire Department; seasonal park system employee at the Franklin Department of Public Works; resident assistant at UW...
Resident Evil 4 VR provides a way to experience the games in a brand new way. However, one of these older titles has had an interesting run of rereleases: Sonic the Hedgehog. This comes down to the many versions of the game. However, the most definitive version of the original game com...
Moderator: Oh, you want to play that now—Latin and Greek examples. Woman: Ebro e otel ma Amleto e orbe. Man: In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni. Woman: Niψon anomemata me monan oψin. Moderator: Which means, “Wash your sins, not just your face.” Woman: Signa te si...