If using a background image, I suggest a hard-coded path to a locally stored image to ensure that nothing goes wrong. Relative paths or remote images do not work and may cause a broken login screen. The script must be run with sudo privileges (you don’t run anything as root, right...
Please, please filloutthis surveyso thatyoucan come to another Big Talk event. We need to show results in order to be able to apply to host another Big Talk event. We need at least ten responses. Please be 1 of the 10 kind souls who filloutthe survey. Checkoutthisvideo recap of the...
The overly gushy host of thewebcastran the charitable foundations of Cerner and now Oracle Health (she has no healthcare or technical experience or education). Oracle Health Chairman David Feinberg, MD, MBA made a somewhat brief appearance from a room with a sweeping view that sent me Googling...
She really did miss the hoop by an Arizona mile, but she was convinced she made the shots by the encouragement and false positive feedback she got from the crowd and show host. Maybe you’re a doubter and are excusing her four successful shots by saying, “Yeah, but she had some ...
A host of unwelcome thoughts were pressing in on him. 一大堆恼人的心事涌上他的心头。 If pressed, he will admit that he knew about the affair. 如果逼问他,他就会承认对此事知情。 The story was reported in the press and on television...
VMware Server Host Agent (background) done VMware Virtual Infrastructure Web Access Starting VMware autostart virtual machines: Virtual machines done g...@hal:/etc/vmware/hostd$ lsmod|grep vm vmnet 54092 0 vmci 65192 1 vsock vmmon 85328 0 ...
Often the first place students present any concerns are in schools because that is where they spend so much time. The educators get to know students well building trusting relationships. School Counsellors have the whole child in mind with access to a comprehensive background regarding the students...
Use environment variables to inject the right server host and port into your app. "Invalid Host Header" Errors After Configuring Proxy When you enable the proxy option, you opt into a more strict set of host checks. This is necessary because leaving the backend open to remote hosts makes you...
I was just selected to be the next Navy Rear Admiral for the Reserve Nurse Corps. I’ll put on my star October 1. It was just confirmed by the Senate. It’s a done deal now [laughs]. I guess they found nothing bad in my background. ...