A few hours later, things turned even to the worst – the wine was offering nothing on the nose or on the palate. Of course, it tasted like wine, but it had nothing going I would be able to apply any descriptor to. It was late in the day, so I pumped the air out and decided ...
discuss later). More and more people, driven by a fear of missing out, ignorance of how the system fits together, a desire to hurt the hedge funds, and/or unrestrained avarice, bought shares like crazy. A speculative bubble formed. The stock reached an intra-day high of $483.00 per ...
The FBI goons had no need or business doing a violent criminal no knock raid like that against peaceful non-violent people like this “crypto group.” Thank God nobody was killed that day as sometimes happens when the crazy FBI goons pull off one of these violent an...
The FBI goons had no need or business doing a violent criminal no knock raid like that against peaceful non-violent people like this “crypto group.” Thank God nobody was killed that day as sometimes happens when the crazy FBI goons pull off one of these violent and dangerous no knock ...
The FBI goons had no need or business doing a violent criminal no knock raid like that against peaceful non-violent people like this “crypto group.” Thank God nobody was killed that day as sometimes happens when the crazy FBI goons pull off one of th...