talk less smile more“Talk Less Smile More”是一种强调通过减少冗余表达、增加微笑互动来提升人际沟通质量的理念。它通过平衡语言与表情传递,优化个人形象、改善关系并促进心理健康。以下是其核心价值与实践意义的详细解析: 一、提升沟通效率与质量 减少无意义的言语(如过度解释、重...
Talk Less, Smile MoreJulie A. Oseid
Talk less.SMILE more.😊【装懂附加题】说到“微笑”,装懂还想起了这几句台词,你知道它们出自哪部音乐剧吗-Everything is unlikely, dear, so don’t let that deter you.-Of course the summer night smiles. Three times.#装懂音乐剧# k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转音乐剧超...
TALK LESS,SMILE MORE这是Burr初见时给Alexander Hamilton的建议,19岁血气方刚的Hamilton当然无法理解,眼前这个同样年轻的普林斯顿天才,为什么会如此说。而在之后他们的生活中,Burr也总是把这句话挂在嘴上。这是Burr的行事准则。Talk less代表着谨慎和保守,Smile more带着讨好和投机的意味, “Don’t let them know ...
can be awkward to talk to someone on the street; you don't know how they're going to respond. But you can always talk to their dog or their baby. The dog or the baby is a social conduit to the person, and you can tell by how ...
根据文章开头“Don't you want to talk less and smile more? That seems to be Amazon's vision for the future of the smart home.”(你想说的更少的话并笑的更多吗?这似乎是亚马逊对智能家居未来的愿景。)结合下文内容可知,文章主要描述了智能家居的未来是什么样子,并且中也描述了机器人,扬声器等小玩意...
一个Talk less一个Smile more这也太会了吧hhhhhh【转发】@东区音乐剧:<Hamilton>官推呼吁大家戴好口罩
Try to smile more. When you smile people think you are friendly and easy to talk with. Remember that other people have feelings too and most people will stay away from an angrylooking face. Learn to be a good talker. If you find it hard to start a conversation say something nice about...
Facebook (脸谱网) friends cannot replace the real thing say psychologists(心理学家).People are happier and laugh 50% more when they talk face to face with friends or via webcam (web camera) than when they use social networking sites a study has found.Dr. Roberts a famous lecture at the...
A.dream梦想;B.smile微笑;C.promise承诺;D.welcome欢迎。根据后文That smile changed my life.(那个微笑改变了我的生活。)可知此处是指微笑。故选:B。(2)考查形容词。句意:我很孤独,不敢和任何人交朋友。A.clever聪明的;B.tired疲倦的;C.lonely孤独的;D.excited激动的。根据I felt e...