Speaking Part 1: Talk about your hometown 1. Let’s talk about your hometown. Where is your hometown? My dwelling is in Hanoi. It is one of the most outstanding tourist attractions of Vietnam. To talk about this city, I suppose this place is heading to “megacity” as it is densely ...
my hometownis nothing to write home about ( normal and boring) locals tend togo shopping and eat out in the numerous restaurants that we have there. locals typically... There's not much to get up to in my hometown. the local people are friendly and welcoming, warm It's apedestrian-frie...
2016-11-02 Talking About Your Hometown - IELTS Lesson 11:18 2016-11-04 How To Use 'Gonna' and 'Wanna' - English Lesson 06:35 2016-11-06 Talking About Jobs _ Work - IELTS Speaking 15:06 2016-11-07 How To Build English Vocabulary - LIVE LESSON 21:46 2016-11-10 How To Imp...
In the IELTS Speaking test, the topic of“Weekend”is one of the common topics, so it is important to prepare carefully for vocabulary as well as ideas for answers. Talk about your last weekend https://ieltspracticeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/IELTS-Speaking-part-1_-Talk-about-yo...
1.新学期刚刚开始,有没有想家?来介绍一下你的家乡吧!(邀请来自斐济的host用ppt介绍斐济的风土人情)(10min)Got homesick? Tell us about your hometown! 2.你喜欢派对吗?你觉得i人如何在派对里自洽?(5min)Do you like parties? How do...
My hometown is very beautiful. I like pizza. It’s so delicious. And so on. If you want to stand out, you need to improve your vocabulary enough to avoid IELTS cliches. Here’s how: Talking About Food for IELTS Learn to be specific when you’re talking about your favourite foods. He...
Don't worry,just talk wiz them Don't afraid to make mistakes Because they won't mind U see,they just say"that's ok"or "ur English is good"they always encourage u Speaking more is an effective way to improve spoken English 赞 回复 jennywong (一年又一年 我不好...
声音简介 Advanced/Higher level oral/listening english,it is a collective material for english learners,and hope it can be helpful to your study. Keep practicing with this native American teacher and you will surely see a big progress both in listening and speaking . ...
Talk about yourselfis the most basic topic in IELTS Speaking Part 1. It usually revolves around common topics such as hometown, hobby and daily routine. Talk about yourself : Part 1 1. What does your name mean? Well, my name’s Lacy. It means “bright and fancy” in English. I guess...